About Downeast Community Acupuncture
We treat in a Community Setting
Most US acupuncturists treat patients on tables in individual cubicles. This is not traditional in Asia, where acupuncture usually occurs in a community setting.
In our clinic we use recliners in a large, quiet, soothing space. Treating patients in a community setting has many benefits: it’s easy for friends and family members to come in for treatment together; many patients find it comforting; and a collective energetic field becomes established which actually makes individual treatments more powerful. In some styles of acupuncture, the needles are removed after only a few minutes or after a half hour at most.
The style of acupuncture we practice at DECA allows patients to keep their needles in as long as they want, and the “right” amount of time varies from patient to patient. Most people learn after a few treatments when they feel “done”; this can take from twenty minutes to a couple of hours! Many people fall asleep, and awake feeling refreshed.
We have a Sliding Scale
Most US acupuncturists also see only one patient per hour and charge $65 to $175 per treatment. They tend to spend a long time talking with each patient, going over medical records, asking many questions. We don’t. The only way that we at DECA can make acupuncture affordable and still make a living ourselves is to streamline our treatments and see multiple patients in an hour, so we have returned to the traditional approach; instead of asking you lots of questions, we rely on pulse diagnosis to decide how to treat you. This is how acupuncture is practiced traditionally in Asia -- many patients per hour and very little talking.
Because we have a sliding scale, we cannot do insurance billing (that’s the insurance companies’ rule). If you have insurance that covers acupuncture, we’ll be happy to give you a payment receipt, and you can submit it to your insurance company.
Photo Courtesy Bangor Daily News/Michael C. York
What We Treat
Acupuncture is capable of treating a wide range of health problems. Some of the general categories of health concerns we treat are:
Musculo-skeletal problems: pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder and knee pain, general muscle tightness;
Digestive disorders: gastric reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, digestive-related side effects of medications, nausea, morning sickness, ulcers, hemorrhoids;
Gynecological disorders: pain and cramps, abnormal bleeding, infertility, menopausal symptoms, PMS, amenorrhea;
Emotional issues: stress, depression, anxiety, grief;
as well as: skin disorders, sleep problems, immune deficiency, allergies, asthma, common cold, smoking cessation, weight loss.
Whether you have a pain condition, chronic illness, an acute problem, stress- or stress-related disease, or just want to feel better, community acupuncture can help you.
Acupuncture Staff
E. Marie Arnberg is a 1998 graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture. Before opening DownEast Community Acupuncture, she was in private practice. Marie is licensed to practice acupuncture by the Maine Board of Complementary Health Care Providers.
Marie is a founding member and volunteer at the Bangor Veterans Acupuncture Project.
Photo Courtesy Bangor Daily News/Michael C. York